I started my internship with Major League Baseball just one month before All-Star Week kicked off. This meant that I came into the job at a very busy time. When I got started, the brand guidelines, logos, styles, etc. had already been made, so I spent a lot of time generating work from the style guide. While this is not the most creative type of designing, I learned how to effectively apply elements in a variety of different ways from this experience.
One event that I got to work on quite a bit was the "Walk-Up Experience." This was an area outside the park that featured a live DJ playing all of the All-Stars' walk-up songs. Fans could walk around speakers that showed the players and scan them with their phones on the MLB Ballpark app to view a short clip of the All-Star.
Additionally, I worked on some pieces to hang in hotels, near the ballpark, and throughout the city. Below are some banners that I put together to hang outside of a hotel.
Finally, I spent a lot of time setting up all of the boards and pads inside the ballpark for each day. This was particularly tedious as each logo had to be approved by each sponsor. This involved many small changes throughout the process but I learned a lot about scale and attention to detail through this. In the end, it was rewarding to look on TV and see the All-Stars interacting with these pieces that I had been staring at for so long. Below are a couple of pictures from the All-Star game dugouts.